Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Qur'an 20170427

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

117. If anyone invokes besides Allah any other god, he has no authority therefore and his reckoning will be only with his Lord.  And verily the unbelievers will fail to win through.

118.  So say, "O my Lord!  Grant You forgiveness and mercy, for You are the Best of those Who show mercy!"

The Believers 23:117-118

If you feel afraid, then pray

I hope you are settling down into a relaxation mode, and enjoying your beautiful and comfy surroundings, eating fancy foods and snacking on expensive ice cream while watching TV.  Have an easy life, because I love you.  You are a Rock and Roll Queen, Erin.  And don't you forget it.

Did something scare you, Natty?  Something on the Internet perhaps, and made you afraid to express yourself?  It's OK to be afraid.  But learn how to focus your fear.  Pious people put their fear in God.  Focus this fear on God, and no one else will scare you, whether human or not.  Please pray, and talk to God in your prayer.  There, by now whatever scared you earlier has dissipated, and you are back to having fun.  Right?  You're such a beautiful girl, Natty.  Talk to your big brother, have him tell you to challenge yourself.  Please drink lots of water.