Friday, December 15, 2017

Ice cream

Hi Honey!  It's great to see you, always.  And you are looking absolutely mahvelous.  I'm glad to see that you are doing well, so please keep it up and don't forget to pray.  A lot of food came my way today.  Lunch wasn't all that special, just rice and eggs, then while I was in the middle of it, my Dad gave me a big fish.  So I filleted that later, while I was in the middle of it the power went out, so I had to process my big fish in the dark.  I had lots of sashimi for dinner, oh no photos sorry.  Then there was a small repast at the mosque after the night prayer.  Duck.  And after this, I'm having ice cream.  Vanilla and raspberry ripple.  It's the color of your swimsuit.

Hey Natty honey!  Want some ice cream?  It's yummy!