Monday, June 1, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150602

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

People should appreciate my beautiful Erin more.  Because she is my wife, inshaAllah.  And she would be much nicer to the press than me.  I do so loathe the press.  All they care about is their agenda.  So they don't need me, and that's fine by me.  I don't want anything to do with them.  If it be the Will of Allah that the people be enlightened, then they will be enlightened regardless of me.  As for me, I don't care so much about explaining myself, and this letter is as close as people will get to an autobiography.  Why should the crowd give a shit about me anyway?  I doubt their sincerity.  It's better that they fear and worship Allah.

About your house inshaAllah, you may have noticed that there is already a concrete foundation present in that old, abandoned house.  But it is not a square foundation.  The dimensions I gave before were square.  I thought that demolishing and rebuilding into a new foundation that is square would make work easier, or perhaps you would want to design within the confines of the square.  But there are bathrooms and toilets that jut out of the square in the old foundation, and we must pay attention to old sewage lines.  Mostly because the is no sewage system here, only cesspools.  But any skilled builder can overcome that, right?  Maybe.  I'm also thinking that building on the shape of the old foundation could be cheaper.  Not that anything about this marriage project will come cheaply.  Sigh.  Ya Allah, please grant me the means to give Erin a stable and happy married life.  Erin, I love you and I need you.