Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Ark

I saw in Yahoo today that millions of fish washed up in NYC canal.  Bait fish, which is small fish.  Poor things.  They got trapped.

Wow Erin, rock climbing looks hard.  Way to strengthen your mind and your body.  What you will need is to strengthen your heart.  In crisis, many small fish will get trapped and die.  Remember you can't save everybody.  My concern is to protect you.  Do your best to keep your Internet so when the time comes inshaAllah, I will be able to contact you, sweep you away and marry you.  Join me on my ark.  You seriously need to learn how to cook.  You will need to feed others, including me.  Flour is easier to store than bread.  I just made a batch of dough and I need to use that up, then I'll show you how to make a batch of dough.  I showed you before, I'll show you again.  You can deep fry, bake, dry pan cook and all sorts of things with dough.  A portable gas stove should provide for warmth as well as for cooking, but you will need to have extra canisters of butane.  Gasoline, too.  Rice is also easy to keep.  I'll show you how to cook rice.  I'll also show you how to make hummus.  I use lentils instead of chick peas, tastes the same.  Remember this Erin: spending in preparation of crisis is cheaper than spending during crisis. 

Hi there, pouty girl!  You're so sexy!  You can ride on my ark too.  You're not an American so you won't have to worry too much about the financial crisis, inshaAllah.