In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.
26. Allah does enlarge, or grant by measure, the sustenance to whom so God pleases. Rejoice in the life of this world, but the life of this world is but little comfort in the Hereafter.
27. The unbelievers say, "Why is not a Sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say, "Truly Allah leaves to stray whom God wills, but God guides to Godself those who turn to God in penitence."
Hi Natty! Oh, where are you now? That definitely looks like the Rocky Mountains to me. In fact, those look like the Wasatch Mountains in Salt Lake City, and you are at a townhouse complex in West Valley City or something. But I don't think you would waste your time being in such an unfashionable place like SLC, so I'm going to go with Vail, Colorado. Vail sounds more upscale, befitting a high class babe like you.
Tonight is movie night! "The Queen's Gambit" (2020). OK, it's a TV series. A 7 hour movie. "The Lord of the Rings" was an 11 hour movie. Or was that 12? It's all the same after a point: a damned long movie. But I was really into "The Queen's Gambit", I was cheering for Beth all the way, and riveted to every moment. It's a fairy tale, but without a Prince Charming. The princess is pretty, talented, intelligent, beats the boys at their own game, and surrounded by boys. Ew! I loved this movie. I mean, TV series.
Mary's outfit today is:
Clubbin' Gloves (pink)
*Miroku* Sakura Earrings
-Sentinus-Melek Fitted Mesh Hair
Spyralle Koloa Slip Dress - Vintage Rose
Here are my picks from the Junya Watanabe SPRING 2022 READY-TO-WEAR collection:
Azham Abdullah. I blog about the Qur'an, I own a business named Shadowplay, and I am the guardian and representative of a singer named Mary Unknown7. You can hear Mary everyday from 11 pm to 1 am PDT, the stream address is