Friday, August 30, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130831

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

As you know, there is a cherry tree outside my bedroom window.  The leaves spread outwards towards the road like a big portabella mushroom, and it effectively hides me from the elementary school traffic like a curtain.  I trimmed it last week, and it looks great right now.  I usually peer outside while watching Shadowplay TV while voice training, and observe the passers by.  The windows don't open up all the way because they're old, I don't turn on the lights, so theoretically I can't be seen, except by an infrared camera of course.  There were these 2 birds perched on one of the branches, staring at me through the cracks of my window while I was voice training today.  They were sitting in the shadows side by side, watching me, shrouded in darkness.  Very creepy.

Freedom is great alhamdulillah, but really, we are not free.  The wise are aware that there are consequences to actions, and if you don't want to taste the consequences, then your actions are restricted.  Unlike the poor man, whose life is a prison of his poverty.  All my musical career, I've been restricted by my finances, by my enemies for the most part.  Now it's come to this, where I have turned to Allah, and Allah has rendered the media groups and consultants irrelevant.  Glory to Allah!  Perhaps they should have given me all the money I wanted, and maybe they would have got the results they desire?  But I don't really want their money anyway.  So instead of practicing sorcery, how about they free one of their slaves?  Or stop their car to feed someone who will work for food?  No, don't poison them.  Or perhaps they could aid one of their relatives who happens to be an orphan?

Ya Allah, please grant me wealth that is 100% halal and comes directly from You, to give my Julia a happy and secure married life, and to obtain all the tools and instruments I want to create music that pleases You.