Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150930

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I hope you're not feeling too lonely.  This may seem like an uncomfortable topic, but I am very concerned about your emotions.  I did warn you that it gets very lonely at the top.  The worst part of it is when friends become competitors.  Worse than the worst is when money is involved.  I don't think I'm at the top or whatever (I don't have any money, it's very difficult to feel successful), but it is not my nature to be competitive.  I just do, and I have done it alone for so long that I'm used to it.  I can't expect you to feel the same way, so I worry about that.  At least you will find out who your real friends are.  If you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me.  Please have faith and patience and pray that Allah will resolve our affair for us in happiness and security.  For whatever it's worth, I reassure you with Allah as my witness that my promise to you is true- I don't go slutting around or even talking to other girls.  Very strange for the Rock and Roll business.  But I love you, and I need you.

I hope you are eating properly, enough to maintain your energy especially now you are super busy.  I guess you found out that endorsing something doesn't mean that you have to endorse something in your underwear.  So you can dress modestly if you want, rather it gives you more middle class credibility.  I don't want you to lose any self esteem, so please try to stay fit and healthy.  Yeah, I know you can't do an infomercial while doing butt crunches.  Unless it's about butt crunches.  I know I sound like a mother hen.  The world needs you.  MashaAllah.  Because you are MY girl.