Saturday, April 11, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150412

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, Erin my darling.  How are you feeling today?  How's your home?  It is a nice place to kick back and relax?  Is it a nice place to work pleasurably?  People aren't bugging you too much at home?  Ya Allah, please protect my beloved Erin.

Oh I'm trying to keep things mundane as usual.  Nothing's perfect of course, and I don't get to sleep all day, but I don't feel good if I sleep too much any way.  Everything has to be just right.  Damned worldly perfection!  I wanted to do a lot of pruning after the Asr prayer, but it rained heavily.  So I gave up on yard work, and instead I made chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Lunch wasn't all that extraordinary either.  I had one last dough ball and some sausage to finish off, so I made a calzone.  After I finish this letter, I'll play the drum for a bit, then veg out and watch TV.

I pray you are trying to slow down as well, and take care of your precious heart.  Please know that I love you very much, and I need you.