Monday, November 2, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151103

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Art is life, life is art.  That's certainly what those reality shows aim for, if it weren't that they are so damn boring.  It seems dangerous to be on a different plane of reality, but it's equally as dangerous as sitting on your couch everyday all the time, then dying of diabetes and heart disease, and that we're going to die regardless.  And if Allah is pleased with us, perhaps we would live longer than them and have a happy life and afterlife.

Do you know who Andy Kaufman is?  He is famous as a comedian, but I find him to be more outrageous than funny.  He is very famous for blurring the line between reality and fantasy, and taking others along for the ride.  There are 2 perspectives to this kind of work: the first is to create the situation, and the second is to be the situation.  By the Will of Allah, we are the situation, and we are trying to be normal and happy.  We will need the help of Allah to do so.

Please try to slow down and take it easy, and please maintain your prayers.  You are my girl, Erin.  I love you and I need you.