Looks like NYC worked out well for you! Of course, you prefer California. We all know that. Say, that Marshall stack really matches your hair, but you plugged into the Supro instead. I would love to plug into a cranked up Marshall, that might be my dying wish. I'm self taught as well. I was a drum teacher at Yamaha once upon a time, and being self taught didn't help me when teaching. It also didn't help that I didn't care much about music theory. How can you teach self-motivation? Does music come from the head or from the heart with you? In the end, my heart was in being a creator rather than a teacher.
Eventually music becomes production, so being one instrument isn't enough. If you can afford it, you could get people to complete the production. Not for me, though. I had to complete the production by myself to fulfill the vision. Other people can really mess with your vision. Try not to keep snarling at people, though. Your face will turn into a snarl, and you won't be pretty anymore. Check the mirror. Money, huh!
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
13. Or they may say, "He forged it". Say, "Bring you then ten Surahs forged like unto it, and call whomsoever you can besides Allah, if you speak the truth".
Hud 11:13