Friday, March 30, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120331

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh Dearest, is it the end of March already? My, how time flies. Soon, it will be the fasting month again, then your birthday, then the next Victoria's Secret fashion show... all that hoopla over a few seconds on the runway! Time certainly goes by quickly nowadays, it's a sense of time distortion really.

You must have realized already that there is a sort of "selectionism" existing in mass media. Most likely because there is a sort of modern day Pharoah elated in his power and wealth and control as to who becomes stars, and who doesn't. Back in the early days of mass media, there were chances for those in front of the camera to possibly hold a position of power, especially over their own lives, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. Today, everyone in front of the camera seems to be squeezed dry as quickly as possible. Nobody becomes a "star" like the old days. It has become much easier to dig up or distort truth or fact because of new technology. Also to determine who is to live or die. But the tyrant has no power over the power of Allah.

I don't think I was all that talented 30 years ago. I had to practice long hours daily, and perform live regularly for whatever skill I have today, now that I'm old. But it was so dangerous, it's a miracle of Allah that I'm still alive. I would have never achieved success by what was happening to me back then, no matter how hard I worked, or who I tried to befriend. I'm still surprised that I managed to leave the States alive, but Allah decreed that I must reunite with my mother, so I did.