Hi Natty! How are you, Honey? Were you waiting for me? I'm waiting for you! That's because I love you lots. I just got back from sunset prayer at the mosque. I already had my dinner. I cut the grass in the evening, so I prepared the curry pups in the morning. I individually wrapped the curry pups to be fried up after I cut the grass. Don't worry Honey, all the plastic bags were recycled. Ach! I'm always out of time!
Rambo is 4 months old now. I have decided that she's female, "Jane Rambo" I guess. I don't know what I was looking at when I thought she was a boy when she was a preemie. But she's definitely a girl, and will be going into her first heat anytime soon. That means I will need to isolate her away from her father because he's a very horny kitty. He's a beast folks, that's his excuse. What's yours? Lookie moved the babies into my kitchen. The whole brood, right under the kitchen counter where I park my chair. You know what would happen if I moved them somewhere else? She would put them all back into the kitchen. Stubborn! I thought only males are stubborn. Right, Natty? Anyway, they were wandering all over the place so I put them in the plastic crib that I used to raise Rambo, and put it back under the kitchen counter. I took the time to check their gender. 2 boys and 2 girls. I'm not going to name them yet, I'll wait until they get bigger.
Mary's outfit is:
.Fragile. Luxury Gold&Flowers Heels
MEGA-Yellow Flora Shirt
Beloved Jewelry : Gold Tear Drop Earrings
[BD] Cool Mini Skirt