Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Out of data

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  I'll bet you are busy.  I'm out of data right now, so I can't say much nor post any pretty pictures.  Even though my account balance says I have 0.2G left, my Internet is behaving as if I were using a 14.4k modem (way before your time).  I guess they're trying to save money by ripping us off again.  Anyway, I just want to say how beautiful you are and that I love you.  Please get plenty of rest, eat properly and don't forget to pray.

Hi Natty Honey!  Are you having tons of fun?  I can't talk much because I'm out of data.  I did have a dream last night that I was a male model in Zoolander.  Yikes!  Even if I had the looks and the teeth, I would never be a male model.  Anyway, I just want to say how beautiful you are and that I love you.  Please get plenty of rest, eat properly and don't forget to pray.