Monday, February 17, 2020

Mango dip

Hi Natty!  How are you today?  I hope everything is going well for you, and that you are feeling happy and healthy.  I feel a bit silly: after preaching all that love philosophy, I forgot to post a photo of a flower yesterday.  Of course you would notice something like that.  Going back and reposting doesn't change the fact that I forgot, so please forgive me.  I have one for you today, though: a sesame flower.
It is mango season today.  There are no Harumanis mangoes in the yard this year.  The old tree is being fussy, and the young trees don't want to give me any fruit yet.  But the huge hybrid is full of fruit and flowers.  Green mangoes are great for dipping, one particular local recipe is called "garam belacan".  Literally translated means "salt and belacan (fermented shrimp paste)", but the stuff I made today is thick soy sauce, sugar, belacan (fermented shrimp paste), and chillies.  Something's missing though: it's too runny.  I've decided it needs crushed peanuts.  So I guess I have to go buy some before I enjoy my mango dip.

Malaysia is top plastic polluter in Asia says WWF