Hi Natty! How are you today, my love? I hope you are doing well, and enjoying yourself. I'm having some computer problems here this Sunday. After I shut down, after Mary Unknown7's session today, my Ethernet connection stopped working. I didn't change anything. Good thing I had a plug in Wi-Fi, so that's what I'm running on right now. I don't know if it's good enough for my daily duties though. It should be fine inshaAllah, I don't have many high speed applications, and Second Life seems to be running OK and I don't take Mary's avatar out to anywhere complex. Not recently, at least. After I post today's blog, I'm going to shut down and find out what's wrong and try to fix it. Please stay tuned, folks. We should be streaming as usual, inshaAllah.
Otherwise, it's an average Sunday. I'm quite tired from all the labor I did, but I just had a nap and am ready to tackle more work. Lily is in heat, and I have to keep a closed door between her and her brother, so I have to include some cat shuffling in my daily routine. Bah. What a "not a blessing". Lily doesn't like to be alone either, but Lookie keeps her company. Since I couldn't tell that Lily went into heat his time around, this new cat routine might be permanent. I can't just chuck Adolf Kitler out to live in the wild. He's a VIP. Anyway Honey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you again tomorrow inshaAllah. I love you!