Friday, June 29, 2018

Hi Honey

How are you feeling today, my love?  I hope everything is going well for you, and you are having a great time.  It's been an active day for me.  The morning, though starting early, went kind of slow.  I went and bought breakfast for my parents, then watched a movie. Then I made my ramen lunch, before I had to go to the mosque for Friday prayer.  After voice training, I toiled in the yard all evening.  Wow!  I really cranked out those chores.  I used up a whole tank of gas in the chainsaw, cutting off a huge limb of a mango tree over at your house inshaAllah then breaking it down, then cutting down other oversized saplings in the yard.  It sure was sweaty, smelly, manly work.  I'm hungry!  I've had 3 meals today, and I'm still hungry.  That's what I get for eating out.

Oh Natty Honey, you are so pretty!  Wow, you beautiful, sensitive girl.  Wow, no nose hairs.  Incredible!  You enjoy your nap now, make sure you get lots of beauty sleep.  The movie I watched today was "Falling Down".  No, you don't have to watch it.  I do think it's a good movie, and I enjoyed it.