Sunday, May 7, 2017

Always something to do

Hi Erin.  Sorry I'm late Sweetheart, but I'm always busy.  Today is Sunday, and I had to clean my mother's bedroom as usual.  But before that, I had to spend time being a dancing girl on Second Life now that I got my data cap renewed (always around the 6th or 7th of the month).  Online economics, you know.  My TV station is currently very busy and popular.  In fact my other computer has been busy for the past 36 hours straight- no time for a shutdown.  I always shut down my computers because I have much work to do in the yard.  Today I had to dig up a tapioca root, I planted tapioca over at your house inshaAllah.  A HUGE tapioca root.  That was a workout, I tell you.  I had to use a crowbar to get that thing out of the ground.  I don't get much chance to go gallivanting everywhere nowadays, but I'm used to the life of a prisoner.  Prisoner of the music.

Natty honey, please don't worry.  You are going to do just great!  InshaAllah!  All that, plus you are a very beautiful girl.

Pina, you're going to be OK inshaAllah.  Just kick back and take a break from life, before you go back to business.