Friday, May 28, 2021

The Star and the Laborer


Hi Natty!  Whatcha up to?  The vibes I'm getting kind of tell me that you're planning on staying in SoCal and being a star.  That's cool with me Honey, because I love you.  Make sure you maintain your chastity, and keep yourself safe and healthy.  Make sure people treat you like a princess like a fragile egg, to be treated as gingerly as extremely possible.  Don't subject yourself to dangerous stunts and situations.  Keeping yourself safe and pristine means you care about our marriage, and you care about me.  I'm going to be keeping a sharp eye on this matter inshaAllah.

Me, I had to complete some work on that fallen tree by the perimeter to the neighbor's yard so I can make room for cutting the grass over there.  There were still a couple of large branches poking into the scrub which I had to remove with my blunt machete.  That damned knife just won't get sharp no matter what I do.  I had to do the task within swarms of mosquitoes and army ants.  Everything was wet, so I couldn't start a fire.  I tell you now Honey, when I have to do labor I swear like a ..............  The words may not come out of my mouth, but in my mind I'm Scarface.  After I was done, I was exhausted.  Being pissed off sure is draining.  But I just had dinner, so I'm beginning to mellow out a bit.  Fries and eggplant burger, perfectly done alhamdulillah.  Want some?