Hello again, my beautiful Erin. How are you feeling today? I feel you are feeling absolutely great, healthy, and confident. Because you are MY girl, and I love you, and I need you.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not much of a sports fan. My favorite sport is Ladies Figure Skating, and I don't really keep up with it. So I apologize for not knowing when the Superbowl was, which teams competed, and who won. I do know that the Seahawks was one of them, and the game was in Phoenix. Please forgive me! A bigger issue is how you will be able to keep up with the games once we're married inshaAllah. We're going to have to download the games somehow, or perhaps there might be a satellite feed. Then I can snuggle with you under one of those huge, colorful blankets and watch the game. It's too damn hot here to wrap ourselves up in a blanket, but we can crank up the AC. I'll make pizza and chicken wings. Go Bears!