Monday, May 9, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160510

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

In a month it will be Ramadan, which I'm sure you know is the fasting month for Muslims.  This is where Muslims abstain from food, drink, and sexual activity from dawn to sunset.  Don't swear, smoke or pick your nose either.  I like Ramadan.  Most people dread Ramadan because they don't get stuff their faces, but I like Ramadan.  I usually spend the night cooking, then there's more to do and eat after sunset.  There is additional prayer activity at night every night, which I attend.  You can try fasting if you want, but don't bother if it's insincere.  There are no fence-sitters in matters of faith.  If faith is half-assed, then it is no faith.  Just to let you know that after we marry inshaAllah, we will engage in religious activity together just as we would go everywhere together.  I will teach you how to be a Muslim, that way I will take the burden/blame for your religious obligations.  Who knows, perhaps you will surpass me.

Lunch was hot sour soup with tomatoes, okra, Enoki mushrooms, chicken and egg.  I was going to put noodles, but the bugs gor into the noodles and I had chuck the whole lot out.  Dinner was a huge hash brown pancake with a single burger patty,  Whoops!  Forgot to photograph it!

I didn't know it was Mother's Day the other day.  Good thing you are so socially conscious about these things.  So I'm posting some photos of my Mama here today.  My Mom turns 78 next month.  I love you, Mom!  Trying to photograph my Mom was like trying to photograph a cat.  I dug up my mother a huge tapioca, but she made me give it to the neighbor.  I'm sure it's all business and travel for you right now.  Please stay safe, and have a good time OK?  I love you and I need you.

Please allow me to say something to Antonia.

Dear Antonia: India, huh?  I'm sure you would have a great time if you visited there, but I don't recommend that you accept work from there.  Don't be easily lured by "Bollywood."  Don't forget to try to visit some cheese makers for me when you're in Europe OK?