Thursday, July 23, 2009

Qur'an 20090724

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

14. For God is prayer in Truth. Any others that they call upon besides God hear them no more than if they were to stretch forth their hands for water to reach their mouths, but it reaches them not, for the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but wandering.

15. Whatever beings there are in the heavens and the earth do prostrate themselves to Allah, with goodwill, or in spite of themselves. So do their shadows, in the mornings and evenings.

16. Say, "Who is the Lord and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth?" Say, "Allah." Say, "Do you then take protectors other than God, such as have no power either for good, or for harm to themselves?" Say, "Are the blind equal with those who see? Or the depths of darkness equal with light?" Or do they assign to Allah partners who have created as God has created, so that the creation seemed to them similar? Say, "Allah is the Creator of all things. God is the One, the Supreme and Irresistible."

The Thunder 13:14-16

Who is the Lord and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth?


Do you then take protectors other than God, such as have no power either for good, or for harm to themselves?

Are the blind equal with those who see? Or the depths of darkness equal with light?

Allah is the Creator of all things. God is the One, the Supreme and Irresistible.