Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150624

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you feeling today, my love?  Something tells me you are quite busy at this time.  Doing a movie?  I just put some movies into my cell phone.  Also some comics and other readings, too.  A cell phone makes quite a handy portable computer.  Equivalent to a laptop 15 years ago, but with a better display.  I haven't found any good games yet.  You know the battery life sucks for cell phones.  I found that the battery life in my phone is the same whether or not the screen is active.  Don't you think that's odd?

I woke up at 1:30 am for the pre dawn meal.  Oh no, that's too early!  Up all night, sleep all day!  So I did some encoding, I cleaned my bathroom and reservoir and watched TV before doing any cooking.  Nothing fancy, just some rice gruel from the mosque, jazzed up a little with Thai spices.  Nothing fancy this coming morning either.  I have a lot of squid, so I'm going to make fried calamari.  A LOT of it inshaAllah.  I have 3 dipping sauces: marinara sauce, my home made hot sauce, and my Mom's hot red pepper sauce.  Would you care to join me?  I promise you it will be yummy!  I love you Erin.  And I need you.