Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hello Beautiful

Sorry I'm late, but it's been a busy day for me.  Just running errands, you know.  This morning, I had to take my Dad to the hospital because he had an appointment with the specialist.  While I was waiting for him, I got my hair cut, had brunch at Omar's, did some shopping, and still had time to catch the breeze at the park.  Nice shady, breezy day.  I had a wonderful nap.  After my voice training, I had to dismantle a banana tree after portioning out the fruit, and clear up the area.  Bat Cat turned on the faucet in the cage again even though it was wired shut, so I had to clean that up.  Yeah, the new Bat Cat is up to the same old tricks.  Then I had to go out again to the pharmacy to get some drugs for my eye, my cat, and my Dad.  Just eye drops.  Plus gasoline... that's getting expensive again.  Say Erin, I hope you are getting an account on Second Life.  That's where we will meet face to face for the first time, and I have a feeling that the time will come when you least expect it.

Natty, you look awesome!  I love your confidence.  And those shades look great!