Friday, January 29, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160130

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my most beautiful girl!  Hi there, my smiley little dumpling!  How are those emotions today?  Are we in control of our hearts, and having a great time being cool?  That's because you are MINE.  Mine, mine, MINE.  I love you and I need you.

You know I'm a chick singer, and I quite enjoy doing girly things.  But I'm built like a chimpanzee, and I look awful in a dress, so all that's left for me is to do macho brutish things.  So this evening, I climbed up onto the roof of the old house and proceeded to dismantle the second tree growing there.  It's HUGE.  I'm blessed that the tree is actually growing on top of the bathroom on the ground floor, which is made of brick, so I have a stable place to put my feet, albeit one storey up.  So I flexed my lumberjack muscles and started to dismantle the branches with my chainsaw one by one, which were big and heavy, and I threw them down to the ground.  Which wasn't easy because some of them were being held up by creeping vines.  I don't think I can do the entire tree though, because a particularly large limb curves toward the center of gravity, which is over the house.  Plus I'm too bulky to do all this climbing.  It's cruel irony to have to look like a chimpanzee, but not be able to climb like one.  Most of the big limbs grow over the house.  I haven't seen any snakes at that house in years, Allah is being nice.  But anything can happen at any time, of course.  I chainsawed a little bit today, which turned out to be a lot.

So I was hungry for dinner.  I had 3 cheeseburgers.  Sorry I ate your burger!  I was hungry!  With a man sized appetite!

Qur'an 20160130

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

139.  Say, "Will you dispute with us about Allah, seeing that God is our Lord and your Lord, and we are responsible for our doings and you for yours, and that we are sincere in God?"

140.  Or do you say that Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the descendants were Jews or Christians?  Say, "Do you know better than Allah?"  And who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah?  But Allah is not unmindful of what you do.

(The Heifer 2:139-140)

Will you dispute with us about Allah, seeing that God is our Lord and your Lord, and we are responsible for our doings and you for yours, and that we are sincere in God?

Do you know better than Allah?