Sunday, March 29, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150330

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Erin, my Sweetheart!  How are you feeling today?  How are you coping with everyone wanting a piece of you?  Well the solution is to lock yourself up and keep all your pieces to yourself.  Yeah, I know you're busy, but you know what the solution is.

Nothing too much out the routine going on here.  I cleaned my Mom's toilet like I always do every Sunday.  I had ramen noodles for lunch, and I usually have ramen noodles for lunch.  It's a great and quick one person meal.  Today's broth is Siamese hot sour soup (known here as Tom Yam), with sauteed garlic, onions, and young lime leaves.  I also added dried shrimp, 3 kinds of fish cake, seaweed and an egg.

My female kittens are now approaching 8 months old, and should already be going in heat.  I can sometimes hear them howling in earnest, but never when I'm in the same room.  So far.  Little ---- is the lead howler, and she's the smallest of all the kittens.  They have been letting me sleep in peace though.  So far.

I do hope you are taking good care of yourself, getting sufficient rest, and not letting the crowd mess with your heart.  Hang on to yourself, my love.  I love you, and I need you.