Friday, November 2, 2018

Qur'an 20181103

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

26.  Say, "O Allah!  Lord of Power, You give power to whom You please, and You strip off power from whom You please.  You endue with honor whom You please, and You bring low whom You please.  In Your hand is all Good.  Verily, over all things You have Power."

(The Family of Imran 3:26)

A day of curry

Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  Are you getting excited again?  Oh well, wherever you go, there you are.  We can't escape who we are.  Just enjoy the ride, and hang on to yourself.  I had harvested some coconuts a week ago, because I had planned to make curry.  Then all these other foods popped up, and only today I got to do my curry project.  I always make a generic curry, one that you can add beef, chicken, fish or whatever to, or just eat it by itself.  My Mom showed me a way to mix in the curry spices so that it doesn't clump, it's very effective.  I processed the coconut milk so it was runnier than usual, but the curry still came out quite thick.  I took out half of it then ate some of that for lunch with fry bread.  The other half, I wanted to make lentil curry.  Lentils usually break up very easily, but I had been cooking this curry all day and the lentils are still quite snappy.  Probably because I didn't soak them overnight.  Oh no, I forgot a chunk of salted fish!  At least the lentil curry got the salted fish, and it really makes a difference in flavor.  My Mom gave me a baguette, and I ate that with the lentil curry for dinner.  Do you like curry?