Friday, January 8, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160109

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Dearest.  Hi Darling!  How's life today?  Are you eating properly and getting enough rest?  Today is Friday, so I had to go to Friday prayer.  I spent the evening cutting the grass around your house inshaAllah.  My stomach is almost back to normal, so I cooked up some chicken in mole sauce for dinner.  Yummy!  Alhamdullilah.  Want some?

I saw that new Victoria's Secret commercial that was floating around YouTube under your search string.  I want to say that I think you are so beautiful, and I love you with all my heart, and I need you.  That video is new, right?  Everyone looks current, even though there wasn't any close ups of you.  What happened to all the Brazilians?

I just picked some fruit from that 2 headed female papaya tree in my yard, one from each head.  The fruit from the head leaning left always seems to rot quickly, so I stuck that in the cooler just now.  I hope it's OK inside. 

Floofy has been rolling around in her daughter's menses.  Why did she do that?  Oh, it's my fault for not cleaning it up quickly enough?  I have better things to do than to stand guard over the cats 24/7 with a mop and bucket!  Bleah!  She is the only cat I allow into my bedroom, and she usually shares the prayer rug with me when I pray, but I'm going to have to kick her out of my bedroom every time I pray now, until I give her a bath.  Pooi!