Friday, October 16, 2020


 Hi Natty!  How are you, my darling?  I hope you are feeling good, and having a good time.  It's Friday here today.  There's not much going on, just the usual.  I had to attend the Friday prayer, of course.  Everybody is spaced away from each other by one meter.  Sign of Judgment Day.  Eventually, Mecca will be deserted during the Hajj.  Nothing special on the menu today, just a tofu omelet with mushrooms for lunch, and leftover noodles for dinner, which was convenient because I had to cut the grass.  Next up is wardrobe time with Mary Unknown7.  Oh, we tried to match that graphic you had at the bottom of your surfboard for today's look.  Sorry about the vulgarity, I just thought it went well with the look.