Grace, you're so adorable. I think I'm in love with you. But YouTube isn't going to let you post that song on their site unless you prove that you have consent from the copyright owner. Same goes with streaming it for profit, and with including it on your album. I'm sure you've done the legal work but if you hadn't, then please just sell original music. "Madam President" is original, right? Release that.
It's a shame though, I would love to add it to my playlist. Honey, I know you love those old songs but you're becoming too famous to publish versions of them without permission. Also, it's unbecoming of a artist of your talent and intelligence to sell anything other than original music. And there you go, the hardest and most rewarding work as a musician is to create music. If you feel so compelled to put covers on your album, then ask the publishers for permission. Then present that permission to platforms like YouTube. Sure it's slow and tedious but again, there you go.
I need more Grace Bowers for my playlist. I'm not interested in the skanky women that YouTube is trying to make me look at. I might have to watch video game movies for relaxation. Lara Croft is pretty voluptuous sometimes, but she's not real. I saw that someone made a movie from "Shadow of the Tomb Raider", and it's only about 3 hours long plus it's in 4K resolution. The story is kind of bleah, but it's something to veg out to while eating snacks. The next Tomb Raider game is going to use the latest Unreal Engine, so it's going to look awesome. When I can afford it inshaAllah, I will set up a team to use Unreal Engine for Mary's avatar. Maybe those people are smart enough to hook it up to Second Life. I wouldn't want to waste Mary's gigantic wardrobe.