Friday, December 21, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121222

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh Julia, I do need you, for you are my girl, and I love you so.  You are so beautiful, and I take pleasure in your beauty.  I long for you so much, and I pray that Allah will bring us together in marriage, in love and happiness, soon.

Ah, I'm so full.  I cooked up some fried flat noodles with cockles and bean sprouts (keow teow kerang) again.  Alhamdulillah.  Ya Allah, thank you for the knowledge and bounty You have provided for me.  All those years doing food business almost ruined my feet, but I grateful to be able to cook for myself.  Like I told my Dad, I like my own cooking because I don't give myself food poisoning.  InsyaAllah.  I also can eat what I want because I generally know how to prepare it, and I can eat the portion I want.  Tonight I ate half a wok of keow teow kerang.  I could have eaten the entire wok, but I probably would have exploded like an overfed python.  I can also experiment, and I also save money on eating out.  If I'm by myself, then it makes no difference to me if I don't eat out.  But I know I have to endorse others, so I do.  Plus sometimes I'm too lazy to cook.  I know we have to take you out for adventure and romance, so whenever you feel like playing roulette with our stomachs, we'll try out different places to eat.