Friday, October 18, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131019

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful young soulmates!  How are the most beautiful girls in the world?  Yes, you are more desirable than any other girl, because you're MY girls!  Please remember my dearest wives, the goal of our marriage is to stay put, and raise a family.  Perhaps Allah will grant us happiness in this life as well as the hereafter, so please pray.  Anyway, please expect the mundane, as opposed to the modeling business routine that has been your lives so far.  Well, it's not as mundane as most people apparently.  We will be living in the public eye.  InshaAllah, I will distract them away from you, so please make sure you both stick very close to me.  Then there's the supernatural.  Today for example, was major spiritual drama.  Weather distortion, and human drama to match.  It's like a "mongoose versus cobra" battle going on behind my back.  But we will work and pray for happiness, safety, and stability for us and our family.  If Allah wills, this humble kampung could be made the center of the planet.  I need to remind you, that I live in the supernatural as much as the material.  I have no choice but to live a genuine spiritual path, and so will my you when you marry me, inshaAllah.  And the glory goes to Allah.