Thursday, January 26, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120126

Oh my beautiful, precious, beloved, luscious, gorgeous, ravishing, delicious darling Julia, I'm so so sorry my last letter wasn't very romantic as it could have been. I can't seem to focus properly when I have the sniffles. It takes my entire concentration not to let all that snot flow down my throat... I shouldn't even be driving when I have the sniffles.

I went out for dinner last night. I hardly ever go out to eat, and I hardly ever go out at night. I have some knowledge and experience cooking, so I cook for myself all the time. It saves a lot of money, I enjoy my own cooking, I don't give myself food poisoning, I can prepare large portions, I can eat what I feel like eating whenever I feel like eating, I can experiment and research, etc etc etc. Certainly I look forward to doing all those things with you, but do know that cooking is time consuming, especially for someone as slow and lazy like me.

Anyway, I went out to eat last night. It occurred to me that I hardly ever go out to eat, especially at night. But it was such a pleasant night! It was so cool, the country air is so sweet and clear, and there were few clouds, so the stars were out. The traffic wasn't obnoxious either, even though there were still a lot of people active in doing whatever. I had fried noodles at a restaurant that was remodeled from a motorcycle repair shop. It was quite enjoyable: it was nice to get out of my cave for a change.

So the next night I ate out again. The night was nice and cool again, but it was more congested, and there were more bugs on the road. But I had to get some gasoline for my Dad's old motorcycle, so I decided to have dinner out. I had what could be described as fry bread stuffed with ground beef, eggs, and onions which was served with curry and pickled onions. I've become a very fussy eater especially with other people's cooking, so I know very few places to eat out. So when we go out together, we'll just have to follow your nose, and gamble that way, OK? Don't worry: there's a Pizza Hut and KFC in town if you're at a loss. I know the kids are very active late at night around these here parts. One would think that there would be nothing to do, but apparently a lot of people are crazy about late night karaoke here. I don't participate, of course. Old people like me shouldn't mingle with the kids unless I'm forced to. I don't mingle with anybody, actually. I'm just waiting for the time when I can be with my sweetie, and we can go everywhere together.

And together... we will buy a fish!