Sunday, June 24, 2018

Hi Honey

Hi there, my beautiful Erin.  Please don't be mad at me, because I love you so much.  I know you must be very busy, probably living out of a suitcase, because everybody loves you and wants you.  So please get lots of rest and relaxation time.  Try not to stay occupied.  Spend lots of time doing nothing.  I love just vegging out and being lazy.  I don't do that often, but I love doing it, and I would love to do it with you.  Just snuggle and be with you.  But there's always something to do, especially until then.  I cleaned my mother's bedroom this morning.  I made a cheese omelet for lunch.  I cut the grass after voice training.  I made one of those huge curry pups for dinner, plus a couple of hot dog pups.  Hot dogs cooked up as calzones, and enjoyed with mustard.  You have to cut up those hot dogs, or they will expand and burst through the dough.  After this I'll go to the mosque, then after that I'll stay on Second Life until I pass out, and run the other computer at the same time.

Hi Natty Honey!  Oh, everybody wants the beautiful college graduate!  I want you too, Gorgeous.  Have you seen those musicals "Chicago" and "Moulin Rouge"?  You don't have to see them.  Because they're not that great.  The music was poor, and it ruined the movies.  Which is a shame, because I think Danny Elfman is a great writer of music.  Too bad the stars weren't great singers.  I guess Hollywood hasn't made a good musical since "Grease".  The movies looked great, but I guess you can't "razzle dazzle" with bad music.