Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Happy Anniversary, Erin

It has been 4 years since I proposed to you.  Since I don't have money to give you a ring, all I could offer you was the music.  Today, I still can't afford to give you a ring, a house, and a secure married life.  InshaAllah I will do so, I have faith that I will do so, and I hope you have faith and pray along with me.  Meanwhile, I hope that Allah has given you wealth through this music that Allah has not given me, as many other people make a living from this music as I have not.  Thank you for your love and for putting up with me and being patient with me.

Please forgive me because I don't have a ring to give you today.  Instead, on the occasion of our anniversary, I give the world this song called "Reputation Unknown."  It's a bit overdriven, so please turn down the volume when you listen to it.

I love you.