Sunday, March 7, 2021


 Hi Natty!  How's it going today?  Is everything all right with you?  I pray so.  It's Sunday over here for me, and Sundays are busy all day as usual  I always clean my mother's bedroom in the morning every Sunday, and in the evening I finally got the chance to cut the grass.  Even during the dry season, the grass grows long around here.  The difference is is that the growth is uneven, with patches of grass among the sand and pebbles.  With the weed whacker spitting rocks everywhere, I got nicked in the face quite good today.  Good thing I wore goggles.  Nothing special on the menu, no time nor energy for gourmet cooking.  Takeout rice for lunch, and scrambled egg sandwiches for dinner.  I don't seem to care that much about the menu today.  What concerns me, is why the poor people are obese nowadays?  Has it always been that way, or is it a sign of the times?