Friday, July 24, 2020

And the cat gets a bath

Hi Natty!  How's it going?  Are you feeling good and having a good time?  I hope so.  It's Friday over here, so I had to attend the Friday prayer.  People at the prayer are more spaced apart than before, and everyone has to wear a mask.  In fact, they're going to make it mandatory to wear masks in public places.  I sure hope that it works, and brings the covid cases down to zero.  I'm sure they wouldn't want to provide evidence that masks are merely placebos.  I do agree however that a mask can diffuse a cough or sneeze.  Anyway, Lily and Bro the kittens I found abandoned by my mother's house last Ramadan came with fungus and ear mites.  I have medication for that though, and after a while the infections subsided.  Then I let Bro outside regularly to ready him for the reality of a male cat, and he got back his fungus and ear mites.  But he wasn't the one who got a bath.  The kittens gave my adult cats fungus infections, and Floofy got the worse of it being that she became a surrogate mother and nursed the kittens even though she had no milk.  Yeah, my kitty is awesomely sweet.  But the fur on her chest and legs became dark from the infection, which hasn't gone away despite the medication.  So I gave her a bath.  I don't know about you, but giving a cat a bath is one of the most exhausting chores in life to me.  I thought I could sit and scrub away, but it turned out that I had to constantly chase the cat around the bathroom while stooping over and scrubbing, and my feet are so big I kept on stubbing my toes against the walls and kicking things over.  By the time I was done, I just wanted to curl up and will myself to death.  Since Floofy's chest and legs were the parts I wanted to focus on, I didn't wash the rest of her, figuring that I wouldn't want to get it wet, what with the fungus and all.  No, that's not it.  I just didn't want to do it anymore.

I never would have thought that a baseball cap would go with a cocktail dress, but this one is a perfect match.  And Mary wears it so well.