Saturday, January 31, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150131

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, my dearest Erin.  Now don't get frantic, I have to get your house ready before we can marry.  I'm just getting you prepared for receiving your ring, which I pray will be soon inshaAllah.  I hope you have a solid vision of what your house will be.  As far as I understand, there are no building codes to adhere to out here in the sticks, but that doesn't mean that you can build Rapunzel's tower.  A nice, normal home with all the modern amenities.  A huge and accessible tank of backup water on the roof.  A nice, huge, shady water tank where we can relax and sip our afternoon tea.  Yeah, shade for the water tank: you don't want bugs and droppings in the water, do you?  Plus a gas powered generator for automatic backup power.  A house that's easy to clean.  That's what I want.

They'll be repairing the water mains around here for the next 2 days, so I guess I'll have to eat out.  Yeah.  I bought some fried noodles for dinner tonight.  Want some?  I have to practice bass tonight, and guitar tomorrow night, so if you please excuse me, I must get started.  Erin, please take sweet loving care of yourself in my absence.  I love you, and I need you.