Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A pile of skulls

 Hi Natty!  How's it going?  Are you staying busy?  Just because you're in Vancouver, doesn't mean that you can't do world class business.  This is the Internet Age!  I'm certain that the environment there is much better than Los Angeles.  The air is nice and clean here too, and the local government puts in much effort to keep the environment clean.  It's one of the few selling points of this poor and small state.  Lord knows how much I despise the city.  Thus God placed me here to do music business.  Even though I don't make any money nor am I allowed to ask for money, other people get to make a living out of the effort I put in everyday with all due faith.  It's both a crying shame and a pile of skulls.  Anyway I'm short on time and I can't bring fatigue into my work, so I have to cut down on labor.  Instead of making my own curry, I bought some curry from the corner restaurant.  Just the gravy.  I had a lot of boiled potatoes from yesterday, so I reheated the gravy and dumped some potatoes in there.  I cooked it until the potatoes soaked up the curry, and I ate that with home made fry bread for lunch.  I had a lot of potato curry left, so I had that for dinner too.  This time I strained all the potatoes out and put them back in the cooler for making curry pup stuffing, then added diced chicken and tofu into the gravy and poured it onto steamed rice.  Saved money, too.  The sad part is if I did have money, I would still go this route in order to save on labor.