Sunday, September 1, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130902

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia  Mow are you today my love?  Wow, it's September already, huh?  Next month will be October, and then it will be..... November!!!  I'm sure you are busy, so please take good care of yourself.  You must be having your photo taken for Voggooey magazine and showing off the latest Hot Cooter.  I'm sorry!  That was stupid, I know.  But I couldn't resist it.  Just trying to make you smile!  Has the fashion biz become weird and scary?  We'll be OK, inshaAllah.  You're MY girl.  I love you.

It's raining right now.  It started raining after 4pm, beginning with a perpetual rumbling of thunder, kind of like someone holding down on of the low keys on a synthesizer.  The sky was growling.  I'm watching Shadowplay TV.