In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.
Hello again! I love you, I love you! Right now I'm writing my love for you, while watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show 1998. Wow, the show sure has changed since then. I must say, if you really want to hear my male chauvinistic or spotty teenager point of view, that the show was more attention grabbing back then. Probably because there was less haute couture, and no video of 2 men looking into each other's eyes and rapping to each other. But hey, I'll always watch the show if my Sweetie's there. Guaranteed.
Stuffed wontons! You would LOVE stuffed wontons, I bet. It's such dainty and feminine food, but oh so good. I could eat 100 of them in one go, but today I only had 30. It's only too easy to let gluttony go out of check when there's good food around. Nowadays I seem to have a lot of young coconut meat available, so today's stuffing was shrimp, coconut meat, garlic, onions, and lime leaves, blended together of course. Oh, yummy!