Thursday, March 9, 2017

Only The Lonely

Hello Erin my love, how are you feeling today?  I hope you are doing well, and are healthy and confident.  You are so beautiful to me, and how I long to be with you, for us to be together.  I hope you are taking good care of yourself and keeping safe.  You are my love, you are so precious to me, and I love you.

Natty, are you twiddling your fingers again?  I told you that we need to be patient and pray, so please be patient and pray.  I feel you are finding out that even when we get more than what most people could ever hope for, it's not enough.  Because life is not perfect.  Perfection is for the next life.  But for now, please know that I am with you, and I will not abandon you inshaAllah.  You are such a beautiful girl.

I feel lonely too.  But please protect your chastity, and pray.