Friday, June 14, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130615

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia.  How are you today, my love?  Let me remind you again that the goal of our marriage is to slow down, stay put, and enjoy our life and love together.  To raise a family, and enjoy our house.  Your house.  Casa de Julia.  I'm trying to build a tourist attraction here, so I can't travel.  I won't allow you to travel without me, so any trip you want to take will have to planned way ahead.  Together always, OK?  InsyaAllah.  No spontaneous journeys.

No, I'm not going to force you to watch my TV station.  InsyaAllah, we're going to get satellite TV for you, so you can have your sports and current events.  You're just going to have to start getting used to being Boss Model, and to get your business to come to you.

And please be certain that Allah will test your faith.  So if you are having troubles and suffering, please know that I suffer without you.  Together we are one, and your hardship is mine.  Please be patient, maintain your prayers, and persevere, and say, "To Allah we belong, and to God is our return."