Friday, July 15, 2016

Of course you'll get through this

InshaAllah.  You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, so quit feeling sorry for yourself.  I love you, Erin.  And I need to be married, and have children.  It's just a matter of when Allah grants me the means to marry, then suddenly the process will be instantaneous, so have faith and pray.  It's out of my control you see, this yearning for the future will be.

I do need to talk business a little.  You have to have a some skill in reading contracts nowadays to conduct business.  So I hope you understand your modeling contract.  Particularly, even if you are under contract to enter dangerous and compromising situations, they have no right to do that to you, and you should refuse to cooperate.  Like being forced into a pit, or at a bottom of a cliff with raging waves, just for the sake of a photograph, is not art but cruelty.