Monday, June 12, 2017

Another busy morning

Wow... Ramadan is slammed for me.  How are you, Sweetheart?  Are you enjoying your vacation?  Those rocks don't look very comfortable for walking around barefoot, but I'm sure you are enjoying the tropical weather.  Beware of mosquitoes!  I got up at 1:30 am this morning.  It can't be helped, I find myself cooking and working at the same time.  I had spaghetti today, then went back to sleep after the dawn prayer.  I'm forced to sleep in nowadays, otherwise I would get no sleep at all, so I woke up again at 8:30 am.  Cleaned up after the cats, watered the plants, took a shower, then went downtown to pick up my Dad's prescription and get a replacement glass for my parents' window.  The hospital pharmacy was packed like sardines, so I gave the slip to them and will be back later to pick up the drugs.  After this I'll take a nap, before voice training.

Natty, are you sailing?  Isn't life like sailing, isn't life like a dream?  You beautiful girl.

It's good to see you working again, Pina.  Doesn't it make a huge difference to be in Europe and being treated well?  Doesn't it feel so much more relaxed, so much more secure?