Saturday, December 14, 2019

The cat that internalizes

Hi Natty!  How are you, my love?  I hope you are having an easy December, and a calm, enjoyable life.  I'm doing OK here.  I just had dinner, which was chicken fried flat noodles.  Poor little Yoolie went back into heat last night.  It took her over 3 weeks to get over her first heat, she had barely gained her right foot back when the next heat struck.  This time around, she doesn't want anyone to touch her.  The other 2 cats don't go near her, and when I tried to pick her up this morning, she bit me.  Hard.  Then she ran under the cabinets.
Me:  "Yoolie, are you all right?"
Yoolie:  "Snarl!"
Me:  "I'm not going to touch you!  I just need to check and see if you're dead or what."
Yoolie:  "Meow."
Me:  "OK then."
The difference this time is that she can move around, even though each step gives her an orgasm.  I guess I have no choice but to let her brood.  When she gets around to it, she'll ask for whatever she wants.  A cat that internalizes.  Weird.  Maybe she's Japanese.