Thursday, January 14, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160115

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Well, none of us is perfect, least of all me.  Marriage takes work as it is: I'm not even married yet, and haven't even begun to work.  You're so sweet and beautiful, I love you and I need you.  We must try to be patient with each other because after all, I must be the laziest butt in the world.  I am concerned about our kids, because I want to bring more good people into the world.  InshaAllah.  And of course we have to be good parents.  InshaAllah.  Please pray.

My grilled chicken turned out great this morning.  Alhamdulillah.  My barbecue sauce worked great.  It has to be the fermented anchovies that gave it kick.  I like that stone grill I just bought.  As for dinner, I had planned tofu in brown gravy with sliced steak on top.  Then when I reached for the brown gravy mix, I discovered that my latest batch of dough was soft enough to use.  I thought it would be ready tomorrow.  So instead of steak, I had the tofu with a couple of tortillas.  Awesome, alhamdulillah.  If the tofu is good, then you don't need meat.  You don't need anything at all, just a little salt.