Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121122

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia, my love.  Assalamu'alaikum.  How's it going today?  I pray you are healthy and confident, for I love you.  Sigh.  I apologize if it seems that I leave a trail of destruction in my wake.  But it's not really me, I'm just a servant.  I can't raise the dead, I can't distort time and the weather, I can't bend probabilities.  Allah is the One who does that.  Perhaps Allah has granted me a little bit of strength to go with this chimp-like body, but strength will fade like beauty.  Whatever strength I have, I will use to look after you and our loved ones.  InsyaAllah.

Again, if you are in a hurry to be married to me, please know that this little house needs at least a bathroom for you, the doorways need to be made taller, and we could probably convert the living room into a bedroom.  And regardless of how much money we have, you will have to put up with this little house for a little time, while we work out legal and land issues.  I believe it best to be patient, and wait until Allah grants me my own wealth so I can help contribute financially to our family.  Please pray that it be soon, and that my loneliness doesn't cause a massive disaster in the meantime.