Thursday, April 18, 2019

Hands All Over

Hello, my most beautiful and beloved Ladies!  How are you today?  Are you enjoying being Mrs. International Rock Star?  I pray that Allah grants you much clout and respect as my wife.  Please carry and conduct yourself with chastity, dignity, and integrity.  I love you.

Recently I discovered that I was quite able to sing Seattle grunge.  I added "Rain When I Die" by Alice In Chains to my set, and it sounded quite good to me.  I think I am able to keep the edge without losing any of my femininity, inshaAllah.  So today I added "Hands All Over" by Soundgarden.  I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I had a rough time warming up, plus Chris Cornell can hit that high note better than me, but I think it sounded OK.  Hmm let me remember my history with that song...  It was back when I was still living at the Aida House.  This was about 1 or 2 years before Nirvana made it big.  Bohemia was playing "Big Dumb Sex" during their rehearsal just for fun.  I thought it sounded cool (my mentality was very Spinal Tap during those days).  Later when I bought a used compact disc of "Louder Than Love", I found much better songs there, "Hands All Over" being my favorite.  This was when they had that Asian bass player.  They replaced him with another guy, and one would be hard pressed to find a version with the original bass player.  Not that it would make any difference.

Here are the lyrics I Googled up for the locals and the young people to understand:

"Hands All Over" by Soundgarden

Don't touch me!

Hands all over the eastern border
You know what I think we're falling
From composure
Hands all over western culture
Ruffling feathers and turning eagles into vultures
Into vultures

Got my arms around baby brother
Put your hands away
Your gonna kill your mother, gonna kill your mother
Kill your mother
And I love her, yeah
I love her

Hands all over the coastal waters
The crew men thank her
Then lay down their oily blanket
Hands all over the inland forest
In a striking motion trees fall down like dying soldiers
Yeah like dying soldiers

Got my arms around baby brother
Put your hands away
Your gonna kill your mother, gonna kill your mother
Kill your mother
And I love her, yeah
I love her
I love her

Hands all over the peasants daughter
She's our bride she'll never make it out alive
Hands all over words I utter
Change them into things you want to
Like balls of clay
Put your hands away

This is my US senator look, but with fluffy hair.  Do they allow sleeveless dresses in the Senate?  Let's just assume I have a jacket.