Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Aw Erin, I love you.  I love you so very much.  It's been exciting for you recently, so please make sure you give your heart some relaxation time.  I'm kind of hurt that you would prefer to talk regularly to strange guys rather than me.  Am I so hard to talk to?  I can do most of the talking.  Perhaps meeting in Second Life is too much to ask, but I have to be there anyway.  I would give you my email, but I'm not going to post it on your Instagram.  I still get spied on, but at least it's not as public as a blog.  Meet me in SL, and I'll give you my email OK?

Natty, that does look rather French.  You must be super busy, so please make time to rest.  If you feel drowsy, take naps like I told you.  Just sit back somewhere (you would smudge your makeup if you put your head on the table), and close your eyes.  Don't try to sleep- go straight into a dream.

Pina, that's a nice sexy photo.  But real boys don't bother covering their chest like that...

Floofy darling offered me some very nice praise yesterday.  I was voice training, and she was sleeping away somewhere around my feet as usual.  Then she suddenly got up and went pawing away at the speaker, meowing and looking for kittens!  I knew she was looking for kittens, because she's had kittens before.  I was so pleased because she thought my voice sounded like a kitten!  Alhamdulillah.