Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What is Islam?

When prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) was alive, there was only one Islam.  After his passing there came many cults and understandings of Islam, but this is not what prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) taught or practiced, so simple logic concludes that these many cults and understandings are not Islam.

People tend to group all cults of Islam as Islam itself, but that is as stupid as calling the Ku Klux Klan or the Kool Aid cult as Christianity.  No, the only Islam is what was practiced by prophet Muhammad (peace be on him).  He called it Islam, not Sunni.

But that was over 1400 years ago.  How can we practice a religion as it was practiced 1400 years ago, when camels have become cars, tents have become skyscrapers, and sight has become television?  It is the Qur'an that is unchanged since then, so if we live the Qur'an then we come closest to practicing Islam as it was practiced by prophet Muhammad (peace be on him).

Cults live bits and pieces of the Qur'an as to what is convenient for them, but that is false worship.  For example, one must ask God for intercession, not prophet Muhammad (peace be on him).

Not even prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) assumed he knew everything there is to know about the Qur'an.  God guides whom God wills.  But it is safe to assume that those who study the Qur'an daily and act according to its instructions is closest to living the Qur'an.

The first written Qur'an is the one compiled by Uthman, a disciple of prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and the third leader after the passing of the prophet, which is the same Qur'an we use today.  Incidentally, the first cult emerged right after the murder of Uthman, killed while he was reading the Qur'an.

Bamboo shoot curry

Nothing much going on today, dearest hearts.  My food budget still sucks, but I was able to make some bamboo shoot curry this morning.  Tastes awesome!  Alhamdulillah.  I pray you all are keeping safe, and eating properly.  Piene, please make sure you eat properly!

The Boss instructs me to stay away from the disco for a week, so don't look for me there.  Have fun at whatever it is you're doing, and please pray.